
Tuesday 8 May 2018

Lily on fascism

From the Guardian we have Lily Allen on fascism.

And in this age, where people feel that they can’t trust the media, they don’t trust politicians… people always trust artists because they connect to them. That’s what art is. So I think that there is a role [for artists], and I think that people should be empowered by that role, and not be so scared. Because if everybody came together to fight these forces, then maybe we could stop this fascist regime we’re living under.

That would be the fascist regime which allows her to abuse it and allows voters to change governments they don't like - that fascist regime. Maybe a dictionary would dispel some of her confusion but I don't think so.


Sam Vega said...

Next week in the Guardian: a group of D-Day veterans have a go at writing pop songs about being a fake working-class slapper in London.

wiggiatlarge said...

"We need to fight back against this fasist regime" was her heading in the magazine "Review".
Irony is not really her strong point and little else is either come to that, but the part I loved ! was the article was a question and answer format in which her greatest fans including David Lammy and Jeremy Corbyn ask questions, such as how many refugees have you managed to fit into your town that last bit was a lie...

James Higham said...

Silly Lily.

Demetrius said...

Perhaps she fancies Putin? Or maybe Merkel?

A K Haart said...

Sam - could tax their imagination - she certainly taxes mine.

Wiggia - it may be a lie but it's a good question.

James - entertaining though.

Demetrius - probably both.